National College of Music and Arts, London – providing music examinations and more at all levels throughout the UK and around the world.
The National College of Music and Arts, London was established over 100 years ago and now specialises as a music examinations board using its own graded examinations in music and speech subjects, with examination centres throughout the United Kingdom and overseas.
Please browse through the site and find out more about what we have to offer. We shall be pleased to hear from you, and thank you for your interest.
Online Examinations
If you are a teacher and would like to make an examination booking for your students, or if you are an individual person interested in one of our diploma examinations, please contact our Director of Studies, Dr. Andrew Wilson, at who will be pleased to guide you through the examination process.



Descant Recorder

Musical Theatre
NCM Society
Aims and Ojectives of the Society, and advantages for both Members and the College.
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College History
In 1894 the Moss family, with a few close musical friends, inaugurated The National College of Music. They were responsible for writing the first syllabuses
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College Council
The College Council is effectively the College Management Team. It meets three or four times annually for discussion and policy-making decisions.
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Advisory Council
In 2006, the College agreed to convene a group of people, distinguished in their respective fields, to act as its Advisory Council. These people have kindly agreed
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National Federation of Church Musicians
The Federation is open to all church musicians, viz. organist, pianist, chorister, singer, conductor, instrumentalist, music group member. All applications for membership will be on the recommendation of the Director of Music where appropriate.
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